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Writer's pictureKate Russell

Embracing Instability for Growth in the Workplace with Veronique Richard 

Disruption. Uncertainty. Change. These are the constant companions of today's business landscape. While stability might feel reassuring, it's often in the moments of discomfort and instability that the greatest opportunities for growth and innovation arise. 

As performance psychology expert Veronique Richard aptly puts it in a recent Huddle Leadership Podcast interview, "To grow, we need to be destabilised a little bit." This mirrors the core principle of dynamical systems theory, which highlights the necessity of instability for complex systems to adapt and evolve. 

But how can we, as leaders, harness this power of discomfort in the workplace? And more importantly, how can we encourage our teams to embrace it? 

Challenging the Comfort Zone 

First, let's challenge the traditional notion of the "comfort zone." While it might seem like the ideal place to be, research shows that stepping outside of it is crucial for personal and professional development. A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that employees who regularly took on new challenges reported higher job satisfaction and engagement. 

In her podcast interview, Richard describes a revealing exercise she conducts with groups where she asks them to move in spontaneous and unexpected ways. Participants often experience discomfort, but it's through this discomfort that they unlock new ways of thinking and behaving. 

Cultivating a Culture of Growth 

As leaders, we can create a culture that encourages employees to step outside their comfort zones. Here's how: 

  1. Lead by Example: Be the first to take on new challenges and openly share your experiences, including the discomfort and lessons learned. 

  1. Normalise Mistakes: Create a safe space where failure is viewed as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. Celebrate experimentation and encourage risk-taking. 

  1. Foster Psychological Safety: Ensure your team members feel safe to express their ideas, even if they're unconventional or unpopular. Encourage open dialogue and create opportunities for constructive feedback. 

  1. Offer Continuous Learning Opportunities: Provide training, workshops, or resources that challenge employees to think differently and develop new skills. Encourage them to explore areas outside their expertise. 

  1. Celebrate Progress: Recognise and reward employees who take initiative and embrace challenges. This reinforces the value of growth and encourages continued exploration. 

Practical Tip: Start small. Encourage your team to try a new approach to a routine task, present an idea in a different format, or even take a different route to work. These small acts of discomfort can lead to unexpected insights and spark creativity. 

Embracing discomfort isn't about creating chaos or pushing people beyond their limits. It's about fostering an environment where individuals feel empowered to explore, take risks, and ultimately, unlock their full potential. 

To delve deeper into this fascinating topic, be sure to listen to the entire Huddle Leadership Podcast with Kate Russell and Veronique Richard. Their conversation is full of actionable insights that can help you transform your workplace into a thriving hub of innovation and growth. 


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